17-19 December
14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP 2024)
Hong Kong
Panel: Graduates' transitions from universities to workplaces during and post pandemic: Applied linguistic insights.

31 October-3 November
International Conference on Medical Humanities
Beijing, China.
Workshop: Discussing sensitive matters in health communication research interviews.
Talk: Could applied linguistic research be interventionist? Evidence from Greater China.
We delivered a workshop to over 40 students and faculty from Mainland China about how delicate issues such as death and mental illness are talked about in research interviews. We discussed the ethical lessons that can be learnt from studying such moments in close detail. Prof. Zayts gave a talk to an international audience on the value of utilizing applied linguistics in interventionist research.

8 October 2024
Invited talk with City Mental Health Alliance (CMHA) Hong Kong
Talk: It's time to prioritise mental health in the workplace.

18 September 2024
Invited talk at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
Talk: Responding to mental health talk in social science research interviews.
9-13 September 2024
International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH2024)
Zaragoza, Spain.
Colloquium: Transdisciplinary interventionist research in healthcare contexts: The role of applied linguistics.
Talk: The complexities of care: Negotiating the morality of caring for university students' wellbeing.
5-7 September 2024
British Association for Applied Linguistics Conference (BAAL2024)
University of Essex, UK.
Talk: "I may have some mental problems": Disclosing mental health conditions in research interviews.
24-27 June 2024
Sociolinguistics Symposium 25
Curtin University, Australia.
Talk: "It's really hard to reach out: Constructing mental health support from universities during COVID-19.
10-12 June 2024
Student Mental Health Conference
Kings College London, UK
Panel discussion: What is the role of the university?
4 June 2024
HKURIICH Webinar "Thriving in a Workplace: Insights for Graduates"
Graduates transitioning from university to the workplace have historically been considered one of the vulnerable demographic groups in the workforce, as they face many adjustments and changes. COVID-19 exacerbated many of the challenges for graduates. This webinar brings together academics, workplace practitioners and graduates to discuss the results of a large-scale project that focused on the educational, social and mental health impacts of the pandemic on graduates. Speakers will discuss topics related to essential skills, employers’ expectations, graduates’ preparedness, and how their mental health could be supported during the transition period. Implications for post-COVID workplaces will also be considered.
Click here for the programme.
7 December 2023
Collaborative Research Fund cum Research Impact Fund Symposium 2023
At this annual Hong Kong Research Grants Council Event, we delivered a presentation and a research poster on the qualitative and quantitative findings from our project to academics, stakeholders and the general public.
31 May 2023
HKURIICH & IC4CH Interactive Panel Discussion "Transitioning from University to the Workforce During and Post COVID-19”
We presented qualitative and quantitative research findings from our project, and explored how we can apply our research findings to develop evidence-based support strategies and interventions to improve graduates’ university-to-workplace transitions during and after times of crisis. The event also featured a panel discussion with the main stakeholders of our CRF project, namely, university students, graduates, university staff representatives and workplace representatives from across different industries.
Click here for the programme.